Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Prompt #6

Check your email to find the presentation slides, in PDF form, that were created by you all for this evening’s class.

Review the Research Topic Summaries of the following folks (5 minutes each):
Learning Theory
1.     Behaviorism (Johnston)
2.     Sleep and Learning (Rocha)
3.     Brain-Based Learning (Parks)
4.     Cognitivism (Gregory)

Which of these is the most unfamiliar territory to you?

Which of these do you deem to be an area that you think you want to learn more, MUCH more, about?


  1. The most unfamiliar region to me is sleep and learning.

    I would enjoy learning much more about brain based learning.

  2. @JJ: The brain-based stuff is truly intriguing.

  3. Brain based learning is unfamilar territory to me. I have heard of it and know some aspects but not enough to make me a better teacher. Anytime there is a way to better attack a students brain I want to know about it. I want to know much more about this subject to better the chances of helping kids learn.

  4. The most unfamiliar topic to me was Behaviorism. I took neuroscience and a couple of A&P classes in undergrad so some of that territory was familiar, but I still learned a thing or two since my classes focused more on "memory" than "learning". To me cognitivism was the most intriguing topic discussed; I would like to look a little further into the information processing model.

  5. I'm like Joel the most unfamilar to me is sleep and learning. I would like to know more about behaviorism. Specifically behavior in the classroom. I think before I can teach my students I need to make sure their sitting in their chairs. (Trying to be funny)But honestly my fear is unruly students and not being able to manage them. CG

  6. wade
    Sleep and Learning. Certainly seems interesting to me.

  7. wade are you sleeping and learning?

  8. I'd be a liar if I said that I wasn't studying drinking and learning right now...

  9. wade
    Sleep and Learning also most unfamiliar to me (from nc's choices)...
    Integral theory sounds, well, huge. Quite unfamiliar with that one, too.

  10. wade
    some days I sleep, learn, teach, learn, play music, learn, then sleep. and learn.

  11. What instrument/genre do you play?

  12. great! I work,sleep,play and sleep again

  13. wade
    sorta bluegrass/folk/country/tejano originals; i write and play acoustic guitar

  14. Brain based learning is unfamiliar to me and something I would like to learn much more about because I believe it would help me greatly with these students. Also, I believe sleep and learning would aid me because we have so many students that cannot sleep.


  15. To be honest, I am unfamiliar with all of those.

    I would like to learn more about sleep and learning and brain-based learning
