Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Prompt #5

Consider Chapter 3 of Educational Psychology

Which of the presented topics is an area you believe you need the MOST intense understanding in order to be an effective teacher? 



  1. I'd say the brain and adolescent development, as the tornado of emotions, feelings, and thoughts in an average school day ALL are hinging on this element.
    Also, the connection between self-concept and achievement is noteworthy; teachers are in the room daily interacting with these developing self-assessments.

  2. I believe understanding how self-concept develops is the most important thing to understand in this chapter as it encompasses most or all of the others (Ethnic/Racial Identity, Self-Esteem, Gender, Morals, etc.). Understanding and cultivating students' knowledge and beliefs about themselves will help our students not only in the classroom but in virtually every other aspect of life. As a future secondary instructor, I will have to deal with students that, as the text describes, suffer from "illusions of incompetence". Ensuring that my students know their abilities and giving them the opportunity to freely use them will help them gain a positive self-concept in a setting that oftentimes does the opposite.

  3. I think that the intellectual development of the students is the most important aspect of teaching. This means that a teacher should strive to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of their students and the best possible teaching methods to reach them. I think that emotions in the lives of many adolescent students can affect their learning,so again the teacher must be cognizant of the internal mechanisms driving their students. Also the role of self perception and self concept are important in the ways a person sees themselves and their connection to others.

  4. @JW: I still suffer from "illusions of incompetence."

  5. I think as a teacher it is important to have an understanding of our students families and peers. Its important to be able to relate to students and one of the best ways to do that is to have a feel for their life. There are many different areas of family and peer environment like family structure, parenting style,divorce, crowds or cliques, bullies, and friendships. There is no doubt that teaching is what we are there to do, but if we can make learning happen through paying more attention to their lives I think its necessary.

  6. usually if a person thinks that they can do something the odds go up that they can accomplish what they set out to do. We can manifest our own desires and dreams. In some ways personal reality can be impacted by how we think or ourselves and what we are doing. Positive thought positive action and positive result.

  7. Well after reading through some of that Ken Wilber theory I'm definitely reeling with "illusions of incompetence" because I don't see any way of ever being able to think like that...

  8. The only problem in regards to self perception is that the perception is real, not an illusion.

  9. @JW: You got a lucky draw on Wilber. He'll definitely make you THINK.

  10. @JJ: If perceptions are the reality, then consider how you (the teacher) can shape the self-perceptions of each student. God-play????

  11. Good call, Devin. I observed and later interviewed a teacher who told me that she was a teacher and not a social worker. True, teachers get paid to teach content, but identifying with students and helping them cope with issues like those you mentioned will stick with them long after they forget the content from your class.

  12. Well I can encourage their perception that they can accomplish what they set out to do. In the same way a teacher can discourage a student by saying things like " I don't think you can do it! A teacher can also encourage a student's self perception that they can do it. I think that self perception is important in learning, so yes a person's self perception is as aspect of their own reality.

  13. I believe the topic that would help me most is self-concept and identity. I believe success begins with the individual and if I can understand how to aid my students in cultivating confidence then they will be more likely to take more risks in pursuing success in all areas of life. CG

  14. I believe it would be Family.
    Family is all the students know from the beginning. Being able to understand where the kid comes from and what kind of family structure there has been in their life, will help become an effective teacher. Some students come from broken homes; they might be living with a relative, or with step brothers and sisters. Having that understanding and knowledge will allow you to make a strong connection with them.

  15. The family and community is an area I believe I need to know everything I can possibly know about for each of my students. In order to understand some of the things they are going through or what may come up is crucial. Many times what events are going on in the students surroundings have a huge effect of behavior, tiredness, and work. This is something that also helps the children develop their standards and values, so it would be helpful to know as much as possible.
