Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Prompt #1: Invocation


There will be only five of you tonight: Nick and Sarah will not be participating.

Let’s start the evening with an “invocation” of sorts.

What song seems to “move you” spiritually more than any other?
(Feel free to give us the name of the artist if you like.)
Tell why you think it moves you so. 


  1. Lord I'm Satisfied by Blind Lemon Jefferson

  2. This song moves me because of the message that i'm pretty much satisfied with the life that I have and the direction that the Lord has led me. I also think BLJ's voice is very unique and stirring to my heart.

  3. I can't see any other person's post other than NC.

  4. I can't come up with a single song...gonna have to cheat and use a whole album: Relient K's MmmHmm. When I have been at some of the deepest points in my life I've jumped in the car and driven around listening to this CD. Matt Thiessen is a lyrical genius and almost seems to exactly relate to what I'm going through and provide optimism for getting through it. Plus you can't be in a sad mood after listening to a song titled "Gibberish".

  5. Breathe by Micheal W. Smith

    I like this song because it expresses my depth of need for Christ and my openess for him to be present in me.

  6. I love the song I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe; because, it makes me really wonder what the world and my life really could me. I know that with Christ all things are possible and this song helps guide me everyday that I need to to live and imagine anything. But this was a hard decision because I listen to all Christian music and this is all that plays in my car so I have many favorites.


  7. Steve Warnier's song "Holes in the Floor of Heaven." I was unfortunate to lose some family early in life and this song lets me realize that their still a part of my life.

  8. Welcome, Sarah. Didn't expect you to be here.

  9. You all have probably figured this out, but if you'll hit the refresh button up in your tool bar at the top of the screen (it usually looks like a little arrow bent into the shape of a circle), it will bring up the most recent posts/comments.

  10. we are playing the waiting game and I have my computer so I figured I would do as much as I could while nobody is in the room with us.


  11. hola, classmates. I'm a Mozart fan, and any of his chamber music or piano concertos move me. I began with Beethoven, around age 9 or 10, and as I explored his contemporaries and roots I met Mozart. I believe it's the building of the music to a (high or low) point, with pace and emotion throughout.

  12. okay, my first blog...where's the next prompt?

  13. I cant see it either. my first time too.

  14. Is this prompt up yet

  15. wade
    thank you, Joel.

  16. neither can i see it.

  17. Life is good! All our students went on a church retreat today and for the rest of the week!

  18. wade
    life is a Chess game! yesterday's first after-school Chess bunch drew 11 kiddos, and today at lunch Chess we had 18 players on boards, with 3-5 spectating! go Eagle Chess!

  19. Wade, where do you teach and what grade?

  20. wade
    Evans Middle School, 7th & 8th grade Spanish

  21. The song that comes to mind, would have to be Amazing Grace. There is so much meaning behind the lyrics if you actually listen. I think a lot of the world over uses the song and never understands what the true meaning behind the song is.
